Click a tower on the right and click where you want it to be. Made by Aryan M Sorry, your browser doesn't support the canvas element. This won't work!     Pebble Gun

Cost: 10
Machine Gun

Cost: 15

Cost: 25

Cost: 25

Cost: 30

Cost: 30
Target Gun

Cost: 35
Gener ator

Cost: 50

Cost: 6

Selected Tower: None

or switch to
Sheep Defense

Welcome to Sheep Defense! Defend your sheep against the zombies by placing towers strategically. When you run out of sheep, it's game over! Press "Start" to start the zombies.

Made by Aryan M
Pebble Gun

The Pebble Gun is the most basic and cheap tower. Recommended for early game. Gets overwhelmed quickly.

Cost: 10
Damage: 2
Speed: Medium
Range: 125
Specialty: None
Machine Gun

The Machine Gun fires rapidly but doesn't do much damage per shot. A great cleanup tower, and does more overall damage than a Pebble Gun.

Cost: 15
Damage: 0.75
Speed: Super Fast!
Range: 150
Specialty: Super Speed

Cannons fire large black bombs that damage any zombies nearby. Great for grouped zombies!

Cost: 25
Damage: 1.5 per affected zombie
Speed: Medium-slow
Range: 150
Specialty: AoE damage

Snipers one-shot-kill zombies with their fast bullets. They have infinite range thanks to enhanced scopes.

Cost: 25
Damage: Insta-kill!
Speed: Slow
Range: Infinite!
Specialty: Insta-kill & Infinite Range

A zombie zapped by a Tesla transfers the electricity to the next nearby zombie, who transfers it again, and so on, forming a trail of lightning!

Cost: 30
Damage: 1 per zapped zombie
Speed: Fast
Range: 130
Specialty: Can zap 15 zombies at once!

Frosty towers slow down zombies in its range for short periods of time every shot (doesn't affect blimps).

Cost: 30
Damage: NA (1 sec freeze)
Speed: Slow
Range: 100
Specialty: Slows down zombies
Target Gun

Target Guns shoot towards your mouse, so you control how effective they are! Not very accurate.

Cost: 35
Damage: 1
Speed: Super Fast!
Range: Infinite!
Specialty: You control where it shoots

Charges up from nearby zombies. Releases a death ray when full.

Cost: 50
Damage: NA
Speed: NA
Range: 200
Specialty: Releases a powerful death ray
(place on track)
Spikes instantly kill zombies that walk on them. Good for runaway stragglers in case of emergency. They cost more than they earn, though!

Cost: 6
Damage: Kills 3 zombies
Speed: NA
Range: NA
Specialty: Instant emergency help